Read My Words

A Digital Day in The Life – Actual Actions and Marketing Hacks to Drive Your Business Forward.
I’ve read countless blogs, attended numerous conferences, received innumerable emails, watched uncountable webinars and one of the more frustrating outcomes is when I start to realize that I’m not going to learn anything new. Sometimes it’s only 15 minutes into an hour-long session which is fine but it’s much worse when it’s after day one of a 3-day summit. My only recourse at that point is to hope that the bar is open and I’m not much further than a stone’s throw from a body of water. As I’m sure that I’m not the only one who has experienced that rising feeling of dread when you start to recognize that you’re about to lose minutes/hours/days of your life that you can never get back, I’ve made the promise to myself that I would always attempt to provide real value whenever I’m talking shop. The realization of that promise is what you’re going to get here. Please check out some (or all) of the posts below to get actionable insight that you can put into play across a wide range of digital marketing and ecommerce initiatives.